Daily: Safety and Security, Projection Room

The constant needs of the job – creating a nice space for your customers to enjoy a movie and a nice work place at the same time – it means little things get put off …which turn into bigs things. Sometimes those things affect customer safety and movie security. Sometimes it is mistakes, sometimes it is malice. Sometimes it is just wear and tear – broken seats with sharp edges, lights that don’t go on in emergencies, ‘clever’ people who sneak in to steal a hard disk from the back room. Thus, the Safety and Security Checklists – Facility and Projection Room. With a little scheduled time each day, we will try to take care of the mistakes and the wicked.

On some checklists we just tell someone else about the problem and let them fix it. The same is true with this form:

Use your judgement!

DO NOT put yourself in danger.

Do not do anything that you are not trained for.  

Make certain that someone else knows that you are doing something out of the ordinary.

But: Don’t let a dangerous situation continue without taking safe measures to:

  1. protect the customers and
  2. get the situation handled quickly.

If you don’t know the company’s Policy for dangerous situation, learn it, practice it, and be prepared so that if something does happen, you can panic gracefully and perform well.

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